GA Malaysia’s CEO, Andrew Pereira, speaks with BERNAMA on dealing with rapid digitalisation


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GA Malaysia’s CEO, Andrew Pereira, sat down with BERNAMA’s Sonia Ayesha to discuss the current pandemic, its impact on digitalisation, and how these twin forces are reshaping the Malaysian workforce.

With high unemployment rates impacting many Malaysians, especially youth, there is concern about when the country will recover from the harsh, long-lasting effects of the pandemic. Although some of this pain will ease, the rapid acceleration of digitalisation caused by the pandemic is having a more lasting impact on the economy. 

There is a crucial need to upgrade the abilities of not only those seeking employment, but also for those currently in the workforce to secure their jobs, through reskilling or upskilling. The shift to digital channels has forced employers to come to terms with the need to equip their employees with the right digital skills. 

This is where General Assembly steps in. By partnering with organisations to reskill or upskill existing employees and to identify and recruit new digitally-skilled talent, GA ensures that corporations are able to keep up with the rapid evolution of the digital economy. 

GA also assists individuals in identifying the skills best suited to their personal and professional goals to transform their lives through career upgrades. On a larger scale, GA also cooperates with public bodies to determine digital skills that are needed to allow the Malaysian economy to recover, and thrive. 

Partnership programmes with institutions like the Ministry of Higher Education and Khazanah Nasional, such as the MySTEP Programme and UKM PENJANA KPT-CAP, help to address challenges such as the current unemployment crisis. These programmes help to improve the employability of young graduates through globally recognised digital upskilling and by improving communication and personal branding skills. Following that, GA supports graduates in matching them with digital career opportunities.  

The wave of digitalisation sweeping over the economy has been hastened by the pandemic but GA is proud to guide individuals and organisations as they navigate this new landscape. To learn more about how GA is doing this, browse through our courses.

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GA Malaysia

Published on Oct 11, 2021

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