Five Must-Dos to Land a Job Today


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Are you tired of endlessly submitting job applications and hardly ever getting a response? Are you feeling frustrated with the job search process and unsure of what you're doing wrong? It's time to shake things up and take a fresh approach to your job search. In today's competitive job market, it's essential to stand out from the crowd and showcase your skills and value to potential employers. 

But where do you start? With so many qualified candidates vying for the same positions, it can be difficult to craft a memorable profile. Don’t fret though! We want you to feel confident in your job search so we’ve compiled some tips to guide you along the way. 

In this article, we'll explore five must-do things to get a job today that will help you enhance your skills, showcase your strengths, and make a lasting impression on recruiters and hiring managers. Whether you're a recent graduate just starting your job search or a seasoned professional looking to make a career change, these tips will give you the edge you need to succeed.

Polish your resume and cover letter

Your resume and cover letter are your first chance to make a good impression on a potential employer. Make sure they are well-written, error-free, highlight your relevant skills and experience and also pleasing to look at. A disorganised resume will deter recruiters from wanting to learn more about your experience. Incorporate a layout that presents your information in an organised manner. Use online resources to your benefit! There are countless templates to choose from if you’re not sure how best to display the information or unsure of which style to emulate. 

Hot tip: tailor your resume and cover letter to each job you apply for so recruiters and hiring managers can zone in on the specific skills, competencies and experience they are looking for

Don’t forget to get feedback from friends, peers or a mentor to ensure your work is one that will catch people’s eye. 


Network, network, network

Networking is a crucial component to boosting your chances at getting recruiters to notice your profile. Connect with people you went to school with, others in your industry, attend networking events, and make the most of social media platforms like LinkedIn. Remember, it's not just about who you know, but who knows you.

Having an established LinkedIn profile is like having an extended arm from your resume and cover letter. You don’t want to overload them with too much information, so where else can you show yourself off in a professional setting? The various sections available on Linkedin allow you to build a more complete and detailed profile of not just your skills and experience but also interests and employer or company preferences. 


Stay up-to-date with industry news and trends

Employers want to hire people who are knowledgeable and passionate about their industry. It’s no longer enough to scroll through the company website and social media pages. Make sure you're up-to-date with the latest news and trends by reading industry publications, attending webinars, or participating in online forums. Showing a deep and genuine interest in the work you will do positions you as an engaged candidate who desires to make quality contributions to the organisation and industry at large.


Practice your interviewing skills

After all the prep work, the interview is where you get to shine and naturally present yourself. Make sufficient time to prepare for the session. Research the company and the job you're applying for, practice common interview questions with a friend, and dress professionally. Remember to be confident, friendly, and enthusiastic. But most importantly, be yourself. A recruiter can tell an inauthentic interviewee from a mile away. Although not every interview is for your dream job, ensure you have a genuine interest in the role and can picture yourself working as such in the company. If you can’t believe in it yourself, how can you convince anyone else? 


Gain relevant experience

If you're struggling to find a job because you don't have enough experience, consider doing an internship, volunteering, taking on freelance work or join a bootcamp to expand your skills. This will help familiarise yourself with the industry demands, lingo, processes and demonstrate your commitment to your chosen industry.

Job searching can be a daunting and challenging process, but don't let that discourage you. By taking these five steps, you're already on the right track. Remember, perseverance is key when it comes to job searching. Keep refining your skills, networking with others, and showcasing your value. So go out there, be proactive, and don't give up. Your dream job awaits.


GA Malaysia

Published on Feb 22, 2023

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