How to Break into Software Engineering


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In today’s world, software impacts nearly every aspect of our lives. From snoozing that alarm on our phones, to ordering lunch through an app, and even getting work done, we can thank software developers for making our lives easier. As such, software can be implemented to solve countless problems across various industries and scopes of work. Whether you want to find solutions to the hassle of finding park in shopping malls or for something bigger like climate change, software engineering could be the career for you. 

Landing a job as a software engineer in a rapidly growing tech landscape with no experience can seem insurmountable, but at General Assembly Malaysia, we strive to guide people in their career change journeys so they can secure new opportunities and do what they love. No computer science degree needed!

The benefits to pursuing software engineering are numerous. Not only are software engineers highly paid, but they also enjoy strong job security and a good work-life balance. Many software engineers enjoy the luxury of remote work allowing time for other commitments and hobbies. 

Software engineering is also a great space to solve unique challenges and create meaningful work. As businesses continue to digitize their operations, sales, and products, software engineers will remain critical to their success. Demand for software engineers will continue to be high, with growth seen across industries such as healthcare, retail, finance, government, and manufacturing. In fact, the global software market is projected to grow by 11% by 2025, from its 2020 value.

As software engineering jobs grow, demand is still outpacing supply and. Because of this, employers are increasingly willing to hire for skills vs. formal degrees, meaning there’s more opportunity in software engineering than ever before, even if you have zero experience. 

If software engineering is peaking your interest and you need just that one extra push to dive into it, read on to learn how you can break into the field. 

Learn coding languages
The first step to becoming a software engineer is to learn the programming languages that are used in software development. Some of the most popular programming languages include Python, Java, C++, and JavaScript. There are many resources available online to help you learn these languages, including tutorials, videos, and online exercises.

To ease your start into software engineering, it would be beneficial to know what type of softwares and products you’re inclined to create. Clear direction of which area you want to pursue will influence which programme language you choose to learn first. For example, Python is commonly used for web development and task automation for data analysis. If you want to venture into an analytical scope of work then it’d be wise to learn to learn the fundamentals of Python as your first step.

Upskill & gain a certificate
While learning coding languages is essential, expanding your knowledge of software concepts and theories backed by a certificate in software engineering can help you stand out from other candidates. Globally-recognised certificates you can gain from our Software Engineering Immersive course provide a deep understanding of software engineering principles and practices. Having a certificate will boost your employability and lead to employers entrusting credibility in your experience.

Build a Portfolio
One of the best ways to demonstrate your skills and experience is by building a portfolio of your work. This portfolio can include projects you've worked on, applications you've developed, or even code snippets that demonstrate your abilities. A portfolio is a great way to showcase your skills to potential employers and can be a valuable asset in your job search. At General Assembly, we guide you through crafting a standout portfolio to garner job opportunities to propel your career.

Find a Community
Being part of a community of software engineers can provide you with valuable insights, advice, and support. Joining online forums or attending meetups and conferences can help you connect with other software engineers and learn from their experiences. Staying up-to-date with the latest trends and technologies will present your interests as more genuine. One of the best ways to acquire more knowledge and familiarity is to immersive yourselves in environments that pushes your critical thinking amongst like-minded individuals who share a similar passion.

Have a Mentor
Finding a mentor who is an experienced software engineer is key to learning and growth as you start and move along in your career. A mentor’s guidance and advice can lessen common mistakes, develop skills faster and elevate confidence. If you don’t personally know someone you’d like as a mentor, explore software engineering communities and profiles online who openly provide insights and tips to others seeking the same guidance.

Breaking into software engineering requires a combination of hard work, dedication, and perseverance. By laking on the above strategies, you can increase your chances of success in this exciting and rewarding career. With the right mindset and approach, you can become a skilled software engineer and make a positive impact in the world.



GA Malaysia

Published on Feb 01, 2023

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